We value your ideas, professionalism and feedback! The Unplugged projects launches true cooperation between schools, museums, creative and STEM institutions. With its diversified profiles of partners and being sensitive to the dynamics of different organisations, Unplugged sketches different local scenarios for collaboration .
Find out about the co-creation work in the Unplugged national countries!
In Italy our local hero is Explora, the Children’s Museum of Rome
Explora is a science museum in the heart of Rome where families and people of all ages can learn together through over 250 exhibit activities in science, technology and art.

Explora is naturally the Italian local partner which orgainzes Unplugged gameplay within two elementary schools - Baccarini and Bonghi, which form part of one educational institution. Between October and November 2022, Explora will support the process of carrying out Unplugged games in 6 classes, introducing and animating the testing of the Clay and Sculpture, Cookies and Peace, Plastic Continent, Brain Twister, Equal games.

In a sequence of meetings, the concept of the Unplugged Quest and the pedagogical approaches of the games will be discussed with teachers and then performed in class. An introduction meeting with teachers will give way to an active exchange about the project, the Unplugged Quest and games and the assessment and rewarding strategies for teachers and pupils.
Active in-class sessions will follow for students in the 4th and 6st grade. They will be organized in 6 meetings of four hours each (one session per class) or in 12 meeting of 2 hours each (2 sessions per class).
A final meeting with teachers will summarize the feedback from the gameplay and will add to the actual co-creation element.
In Bulgaria Muzeiko, America for Bulgaria Children's Museum, is taking the journey in schools
Muzeiko is a children's science center for young people and their families to play, inspire and experience with real practical situations and objects.

Be among the schools which perform the Unplugged gameplay in class. Benefit from the Unplugged collective knowledge in pedagogic game mechanics and dynamics and Muzeiko’s huge experience in motivational STEM adventures. One school has already signed up!

With the start of the school year, Muzeiko takes the journey to visit schools in Bulgaria and showcase numerous opportunities for STEAM enhancements in and outside the classroom. This is where Unplugged Quest will come to life and schools can sign up for co-implementation of Unplugged games in class. A Muzeiko hero will always be there to facilitate the process! Teachers’ meetings will further make the gameplay to the best of your understanding and competences! Explore the Live in Harmony, Brainstorming, Pop-up city of the Future, Form Factor, Farm in the city games!
In France we have two vehicles that drive to the gameplay
La Fabulerie turns the wheel with schools in the region of Marseille
La Fabulerie is working with schools, libraries, museums and corporations to unlock their creativity and enhance their digital skills. This knowledge is shared through creative workshops, training sessions, and digital resources.

La Fabulerie has built a large network of teachers with its Fabulous Museum, an interactive and pedagogical experiment for kids from six to twelve years old, bringing together experiments and skills: digital content, open data, theatrical mediation and immersion. The Unplugged project will make the bridge between a single museum visit and the continuous exchange with visitors. To strengthen this link, La Fabulerie will co-organize and carry out Unplugged gameplay activities with schools from the Fabulous Museum’s network in the area of Marseille, France.

The Unplugged virtual board on Gather will be used as a meeting point between teachers, professionals and La Fabulerie’s team to exchange on the gameplay of the Fantasy out there!, Equal, Ecosystem in a jar, Dr. Hanoi, Iterative Clues games.
Not having subscribed for participation yet, contact La Fabulerie’s team to get involved and benefit from numerous pedagogical and fun opportunities!
The University Cote d’Azur has made the link between the university and the school in the region in Nice
The Innovation and Digital Laboratory for Education – LINE – is an emerging research team from the Université Côte d'Azur attached to the Societies, Humanities, Arts and Letters doctoral school – SHAL – and member of two University Schools of Research (CREATES and DS4H). The team brings together teacher-researchers working at the Institute for Teacher Training and Education – INSPE – and within other components of the university.

Within the various creative initiatives of the LINE center, e.g. Terra Numerica and Digital Week, the Unplugged Quest has entered some schools in region in Nice to play and further enhance the Likadislike, PotLuck March, Reroute better world, Good Ways, Programming a Choreography games!
In Belgium Digitale Wolven will sparkle the light of the Unplugged gameplay in school
Digitale Wolven has the mission to make as many children as possible interested in the digital world. Organizing workshops in classes, Digitale Wolven’s heros inspire with interactive unplugged and digital experiences for pupils from toddlers to secondary, from special education to art academy.
Unplugged Quest will enter in class within these creative STEAM workshops. One school has already signed up and a few other showed interest. Children at the age of 11-12 years get ready to go onboard to the Unplugged World and to compete to win a prize!