Forthcoming workshop with teachers
As the project would like to reflect on the perception of teachers, parents, and cultural and scientific organisation collaborators in the game creation, the Unplugged is open to their active participation. Throughout its implementation, there will be several calls for participation in co-creative workshops and webinars on different aspects of game development. Stay informed about events and follow us on social media. Discover our partner commitments and work:
In France - UCA & La Fabulerie
UCA: UCA organised its first presentation of the Unplugged project during the SmartEdTech Intensive week of training on October 19! The SmartEdTech program aims to develop a quality approach to digital education with a co-creative and participative vision. The program addresses the current social and economic issues for professionals (designers, engineers, ergonomists, etc.) who are involved in the creation of digital technologies for education (EdTechs), and the education professionals who use them. The workshop for the intensive week has provided two hands-on activities for students to learn what an Unplugged activity is, a discussion about how unplugged activities can successfully be integrated into a classroom, and a storytelling section for them to create their own unplugged project and background story. For future workshops, UCA has the flexibility to provide face-to-face meetings on-demand from the teachers, or organised by the University as well as online discussions with teachers from all around the world. LINE (Laboratoire d'Innovation et Numérique pour l'Education) will support these group sessions with materials and research background for each group discussion. Hence, the workshops include a real scenario to understand the concept and connect it clearly with the learning goal. Time to be creative! Contact Lorena Tovar - for more information and for opening a discussion on the Unplugged content.
La Fabulerie: La Fabulerie has already created a strong network of partners in schools and institutions. Together, they organize training for libraries, national school academy or private companies. During those training, they share their knowledge on digital DIY and computer science, but also our creative approach and methods. Those meetings are also a way to get everyone involved, librarians, teachers, parents… These meetings can be recorded and shared through web video hosters. To make it shorter and more playful, La Fabulerie records interviews with participants at the end of the training sessions and share the interviews in which they explain what they learnt.
La Fabulerie also creates tutorials to explain how to use the techs they displayed during the training sessions. In case of a lockdown, they would record these interviews themselves and share them with their partners through social networks and e-mail. Wanting to know more and get involved in the workshops of La Fabulerie, contact Théo Radakovitch -
In Bulgaria - Muzeiko: Muzeiko has already held several meetings and workshops with teachers in September to discuss the first "Muzeiko in a box" lessons. More meetings will be held in the upcoming months. They will be either made in person or online, depending on the possibilities and restrictions. The meetings will be structured in 2 parts:
Presentation of "Muzeiko in a box" as a concept and how it can be used by teachers in class or online,
Organisation of hands-on STEAM workshops where teachers can test Muzeiko in a box, and evaluate the programs to give their feedback and recommendations.
For more information and for meeting with Muzeiko / benefiting from the Muzeiko in a box available resources, contact Milena Savova -
In Italy - Explora: Explora will organise in the months to come several meetings with the aim to validate and co-create the pedagogical methodology of the five developed quests/games during and after the Transnational Project Meeting in Aix-en-Provence. In interactive working sessions, the quests will be presented, played and freely discussed to come up with content that is closer to the educational and teaching needs of teachers from primary and secondary schools. Follow us on social media to register for the teachers' workshops. Invitations will be also directly sent upon your request. For more information to participate to these workshops or meet with the Explora team, contact Federica Taeko Centra -
In Belgium - Digitale Wolven: Digitale Wolven will organise in November, in the premises of Digitale Wolven, a workshop with teachers in which Unplugged activities, created and refined by Digitale Wolven and the Unplugged project partners, will be performed with children from primary school. Among them are pixel puzzles, coding memory, parity game, etc. This will make it possible to test and improve with target groups what have been developed by the project. The games' acceptance will be verified among different ages. Similar workshops are regularly organised within the DigitaleWolven office and in schools to ensure the constant link with teachers. For discovering Digitale Wolven, organise workshops and get informed, contact Cindy Smits -
Enthusiastic about getting involved in the project, do not hesitate to get in touch with us, through the contacts shared country per country, or with our project manager - - and we will discuss how you can contribute, benefit from the project outcomes now or how you can further incorporate the Unplugged game in your daily teaching or educational practices!